Z The Power Of One

Experience It All

Z is an integrated vision of the way software is conceived and delivered. Using our concept of Omni-Functionality, we bring your digital experience closer to how you function in the real world.

Create Drawings and Paintings Online

Create Drawings and Paintings Online

ZPaint is a web-based drawing and painting tool that is integrated with Z. It is vector based, hence ensures the quality when resized on a web page.

3D Presentation

Create presentations online using Z. You can drag-and-drop text, images, animations or even draw on each slide.

ZOS:Power of Math

ZOS is a web based platform to do any kind of mathematical calculations. It has the features of looping an equation with any sets of values.

Calculation Engine

CALCI is a web-based calculation engine which has all the features of typical spreadsheets.


Z is the first omni-functional platform for the next generation that brings the digital experience closer to you in the real world. Documents created using Z are Semantic enabled, thus taking a step forward to the Semantic Web.