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Create Greeting cards using ZCubes easily on the web. You can create a greeting card using ZCubes in less than 10 minutes, once you understand the basic functionality. You can make your greeting cards real unique, just like a handmade, handwritten card you would like to present to someone special to you.

Create ecards from ZCubes
Choose from hundreds of backgrounds, or templates if you wish to do so. You can handwrite your message, which would add warmth to your expression. Drag and drop tiny animations to jazz up your card, or drag and drop photos and apply special effects to it. It is real easy. Send it your loved ones by email or publish it on the web. There is no other better way to express yourself.

Greeting card FAQ:

1. What is the difference between scores of other greeting card platforms?
Everyone can learn to create a greeting card very easily.

2. Do I need to know HTML to create text?
No. You can use the ZEditor to create nicely formatted text or combine it with your handwriting, just using the mouse. You can write in any language you wish, and that makes your Greeting Card more personal looking.

3. How do I send the card to my friend?
Once you create the card, you can choose the option to email it. Or you can publish it and when you open the card, you can choose the option to email it, from the top menu.

4. Is my card saved as a .jpg file?
No. It can be saved as HTML, and can have rich content, including pictures, videos, handwriting etc.

5. Do I need to download the software on to my computer?
There are no downloads or installations required.

6. Are there templates available?
There are several templates available for you to choose from, depending on the context you wish to present the card.