Do It All |
Spider Browse
Search The Web In your Context. Easiest Homepage You Can Have!
A fully loaded word processor online! Create all your
documents online with the ZTexteditor and access them from anywhere. |
Calci is very very different from spreadsheets - and
far more powerful.
It can make any ZDocument into a fully functional calculation
engine. |
We invite you to use the ZCubes platform and its wide range
of features and flexibility to create amazing presentations online. |
Create unique artwork by applying color options to freehand
sketches or multiple shapes either on the ZSpace or within an
individual ZCube. |
The virtual blackboard is a unique tool with integrated text
and paint capabilities. It can not only be used to demonstrate
math equations in free hand, but also to create personalized
handwritten notes. |
Forget about rigid cards and try the ZGreetings mode. Packed
with music, pictures, clipart and lots more, ZGreetings enables
you to easily and quickly create personalized greetings for
your loved ones. |
Power Browse the web! ZCubes is a "browser within a browser”
platform which allows you to browse multiple websites simultaneously.
Additionally you can also extract individual web elements like
pictures, media, music, videos etc from the browser and paste
it on the ZSpace. |
Create collages and albums in an entirely new way. Add halo,
3D, spotlight, shadow, wave, linear, rectangular, uniform and
radial glow effects to your content. |
Create fabulous personal web pages for all your daily needs
with the ZPortal. Design your portal just the way you like it,
add calendars, clocks, calculators, maps, weather, to-do list
and more and design just what you need. |
We invite you to use the ZCubes platform and its wide range
of features and flexibility to create amazing Websites. |