Drag and dropDrag and drop
Experience Yet Unimagined!

Drag and drop any content when you create a web page. Edit the content, save it or publish it on the web. Drag and Drop makes it easy and simple to use ZCubes to create a web page, document, greeting card or a homepage by drag and drop from internet or your desktop. ZCubes can be considered as a WIKI with rich content that is easily editable online. You can drag and drop pictures from the internet or from your computer desktop. Apply special effects to these images, rotate them, handwrite or paint over them and republish them.

Drag and drop your favorite wall papers

Drag and drop your favorite wall papers to make your experience pretty. (The drag and drop from desktop works on Windows only with ActiveX). Copy/ZPaste Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to ZSpace and it gets automatically converted to a CALCI. For example, you can create an invoice document, or create a loan EMI calculation page very easily and present to your client.

Teachers can easily create attractive webpages

Teachers can easily create attractive webpages with aggregating pictures, videos and text about a specific topic and present to students very easily. No need to spend long hours to upload files to include in a page.


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